CDC Investigates Link between Unvaccinated Workers and Increasing Nursing Home Cases

CDC Investigates Link between Unvaccinated Workers and Increasing Nursing Home Cases

Investigation on Unvaccinated Workers and Increasing Nursing Home Cases Correspondence:  Low vaccination rates among American nursing home workers are being linked to a recent rise in nursing home COVID cases and deaths, says an Associated Press article. The Centers...
Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Prevent Philadelphia Hospitals from Discharging Patients to Facilities

Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Prevent Philadelphia Hospitals from Discharging Patients to Facilities

Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Prevent Philadelphia Hospitals from Discharging Patients to Facilities: The problem of assisted care understaffing came to the fore during January’s omicron COVID-19 surge as Philadelphia hospitals had nowhere to discharge their elderly...