CDC Adopts Advisory Recommendations for Initial Vaccine Distribution allowing nursing home residents to be prioritized for the COVID vaccine. Residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities and the workers who care for them will be among the first in America...
Although many patients recover from pressure ulcers, undiagnosed and untreated bedsores can cause osteomyelitis and other serious infections. Severe infections associated with bed sores can lead to sepsis and even death. Nursing home residents who are bedridden are at...
More often than not, there’s a direct link between nursing home neglect and bedsores. What anyone who has a loved one in a nursing home needs to know is that, almost without exception, bed sores can be prevented through adequate care by nursing home care workers....
Family members concerned about the well-being of a loved one who resides in a nursing home may find themselves wondering just what pressure ulcers are, what causes bedsores, and how skin breakdown can be prevented in a nursing facility. Pressure ulcers, commonly...
Agents to Investigate Allegations of Fraud and Neglect During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Says the Department of Justice Two Pennsylvania nursing homes—one of which suffered the state’s highest nursing home COVID-19 tolls—were raided by federal and state investigators...
In an unprecedented move, hydroxychloroquine was given to residents without COVID-19. According to a Philadelphia Inquirer article, during a two week period in April a Chester County nursing home for veterans dispensed hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial drug...