Nursing Homes Using Epilepsy Drugs to Chemically Restrain Residents with Dementia: A new government study indicates that anti-seizure medications usually reserved for epilepsy patients are increasingly being used by nursing homes to sedate dementia patients, says a...
Two Nursing Home Residents’ Fight Results in Death Ruled as a Homicide in New York: The death of a 95-year-old woman who fell and hit her head during a clash with a fellow elderly resident in a Staten Island nursing home has been ruled a homicide. A notice of...
Uncover What Your Nursing Home Would Rather Keep Secret: Whether they’re ongoing issues or past deficiencies, nursing homes would rather keep problems like nursing home malpractice or abuse and neglect under wraps. But nothing should be kept secret from residents and...
For-Profit Nursing Home Neglect Amid Pandemic: Severe understaffing within for-profit nursing home chains led to poor care, nursing home neglect, and a negative impact on the health of residents. About 70% of nursing homes in the US are run by for-profit operators....
Death of Nursing Home Resident Due to Dishwashing Soap: In a stunning incidence of nursing home malpractice that ultimately resulted in the wrongful death of one elderly resident, three California nursing home residents were hospitalized after being served dishwashing...
The Worst Nursing Homes in New Jersey Are Not Improving: Many of the New Jersey nursing homes ranked as the worst in the state have failed to improve their quality of care more than half a year since being told they need to improve or shut down, according to an...